The FY 2022-23 biennium begins on July 1, 2021 and ends on June 30, 2023.
Information on the current biennial budget, for the FY 2022-23 biennium, can be found on the Current Operating Budget web page.
Below you will find detailed information on the FY 2022-23 budget, beginning with the current law “base” as defined in M.S. 16A.11, subd. 3(b) and then the Governor’s original budget recommendations, released January 26, 2021. Revisions will be added as they are released. All the documents below are PDF versions. To request a reasonable accommodation and/or alternative format of these documents, contact us at 651-201-8000 or email MMB's Accessibility Team
Published March 17, 2022
Published January 26, 2021
Below is a link to state agency base operating budgets and background materials. The agency budgets are based on the November 2020 Budget and Economic Forecast (released on December 3, 2020) and are the basis or starting point for the Governor’s biennial budget recommendations that will be released by January 26, 2021. Appropriation base is defined in M.S. 16A.11, subd. 3(b).