VENDOR, VENDOR-ADDR- Lists interagency vendors at status codes 1 or 5(active vendors, either registered or unregistered). The report is similar to the information on the MAPS VNIA screen. (VENDACTVINTRAGCY.RPT)
COMMODITY, COMMODITY-KEYWORD, COMMODITY-OBJECT- This report lists commodity codes and is ordered by the commodity code description. (COM-3.RPT)
COMMODITY, COMMODITY-KEYWORD, COMMODITY-OBJECT- This report lists commodity codes ordered by commodity class, subclass. (COM-3-DESC.RPT)
EXPDTR-BY-COMDTY, COMMODITY- This report shows purchase order payments made for a selected commodity class including quantity and paid amounts. Sorted by purchase order number and line for an agency and fiscal year. (EXP-COM1.RPT)
EXPENDITURE-BY-CMDTY, COMMODITY, ORDER-HDR- This report shows purchase order payments made for a selected commodity class including quantity and paid amounts. Sorted by agency number and purchase order for an agency and fiscal year. Also includes the vendor number for the purchase order. (EXP-COM2.RPT)
ORDER-HDR- This report lists purchase orders that have not been encumbered based on the status code being less than code 435 Encumber in Accounts. Report is sorted by agency section number and order number. (ORD-HDR.RPT)