Crystal Reports Examples - DOF Training
Click the links below to open an example of the report described. Examples are in Crystal Reports .rpt format.
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, EMPLOYMENT-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, TRNG-COURSE-SESN- This report list participants that have applied to a specific training course (APPLIED.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, DEPARTMENT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR,EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report is a class roster of all participants enrolled in a training course/session. It includes non-employees. Sorts by Student Name (TRNCLAS2.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, LOCATION, DEPARTMENT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- This report is a training course confirmation letter. It is designed to run for one employee at a time. (EELETTR.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESSION, DEPARTMENT- This report provides training course information for employees with course completion status of Complete and Incomplete. (ALLCOMP2.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, DEPARTMENT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- This report lists how many participants have completed each training course/session (SUMCMPLT.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, DEPARTMENT- This report provides a list of participants with an enrollment status of Incomplete or Complete for a course. Does not include non-employees. (TRNCOMP2.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN- This report list all courses sorted by the date the confirmation letters need to be sent for each course (LETTRDTS.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN- Lists course titles, course codes session number, start date, start time, end date and course status, for a selected course. Sorts by course title, session number. (TRNCRS2.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists how many participants there are per training course and how many participants per status (ENROLL.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE- This report prints for each training course and is used to manually track when self study materials are sent to participants (SLFSTDY.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, LOCATION, DEPARTMENT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report is a confirmation letter for all participants enrolled in a training course. Includes non-employees. (TRNLETT2.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, LOCATION, DEPARTMENT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report is a confirmation letter for participants enrolled in training at the Admin. Bldg. (LETTRADM.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE- This report provides a list of training courses to track when confirm. letters are sent, rosters distributed to/collected from instructors. Sorts by course nbr. Sesn. Start date. (CHCKLST.RPT)