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Leave for Employees Who are Immediate Family Members of Military Personnel Injured or Killed in Active Service

If your immediate family member, as a member of the United Stated armed forces, has been injured or killed while engaged in active service, you will be granted up to 10 working days of unpaid leave. The number of days granted may depend on the specific situation and operation business needs. Immediate family member is defined in this law as a person's parent, child, grandparents, siblings, or spouse. At your agency's discretion, you may substitute paid accrued vacation or compensatory time off for any or all of the leave period. You must give as much notice as practicable of the your intent to take this leave. This provision is effective June 2, 2006, and applies to family members injured or killed after this date as well as those family members injured prior to this date. See Minnesota Statute 181.947.

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