Evidence-based behavioral health and parenting skill services
There is strong interest in funding behavioral health and parent support services that are proven to improve outcomes for children and families. Minnesota Management and Budget identified 81 evidence-based services that have been shown to produce favorable impacts on outcomes related to mental health, substance abuse, parenting, or child well-being, especially for families at risk of child protection involvement. We surveyed providers, counties, and schools across the state to understand the landscape of evidence-based services that are currently offered in Minnesota. Responses are featured in the data visualization below and in this brief, which summarizes providers' reports of their adherence to key features of the evidence-based services, demand for the services, and barrier to expanding their capacity to provide them.
Please contact us at resultsfirstmn@state.mn.us to provide feedback or ask a question.
As new opportunities for expanding evidence-based services arise, policymakers are interested in knowing what behavioral health and parenting skills services work to improve the lives of Minnesotans. The following table identifies evidence-based services offered by providers in Minnesota, according to their survey responses. This shows statewide prevalence, or you can view by county. You can filter this list to see whether services are currently covered by Minnesota Health Care Programs (i.e., Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare). Additionally, you can see whether the services are approved by the Family First Clearinghouse as a result of the federal Family First Prevention Services Act. The services in this list reflect behavioral health and parenting skills services and interventions that support the well being of children and families, especially those at risk of child protection involvement.