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Impactful Grantmaking

The State of Minnesota directed an estimated $2.44 billion through grant programs across Fiscal Years 2020-2021. These funds support important activities that impact thousands of Minnesotans. State leaders and external partners have expressed interest in understanding how to increase the impact – especially equitable impact – of this funding. The Results Management team at MMB, in partnership with others, reviewed scores of state grant RFPs, authorizing laws, and contracts, in addition to meeting with dozens of State grantmakers and learning from local partners and national experts. A summary of learnings from these activities is available here

In 2022, the Results Management team convened a Grantmaking Impact Improvement Team composed of executive branch leaders with grantmaking and impact-oriented expertise and external advisors representing evidence-based policymaking and non-profit organizations. This group of experts compiled best practices intended to provide direction for how grant programs can maximize impact through evidence-based practices, community-based best practices, and accessible grantmaking processes. The best practices developed by this group are summarized here.

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