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SWIFT Update May 7, 2020

Budget and Accounting Guidance for COVID-19 Funding 

 Budget and accounting guidance for state and federal COVID-19 funding was provided to agencies last Friday. This document is posted on Minnesota Management and Budget's Budget and Accounting Instructions page.
Agencies must follow the guidance to facilitate enterprise reporting on the funding available for COVID-19.

Purchase Order Close, Friday, May 15

As part of the year end clean-up activities, the PO Reconciliation (PO Close) job is scheduled to run Friday, May 15. The PO Reconciliation Job closes purchase orders that have been fully matched by setting the Status to“Complete.”

See the SWIFT Procurement Year End Processing Tips for additional information.

The PO Close job will run two additional times this year to assist in closing documents: June 30 and the hard close weekend of August 7.

Remember, you can prevent the PO Reconciliation Job from closing a purchase order by selecting the “Hold From Further Processing” checkbox on the purchase order header page. You can use this checkbox if you plan on increasing the purchase order at a later date.

Reminder: The SWIFT Help Desk Remains Open

Please contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any questions, concerns, or issues you have with SWIFT.

SWIFT Training and Resources 

The SWIFT training team is following the guidance from the Governor’s office on Supporting State Workforce through COVID-19. We are offering online training through webinars, one-on-one sessions, and video tutorials.

  • Webinars: We are offering modified online versions of our classroom training. They are shorter and meant to provide basic demonstrations of the SWIFT modules. If you are newer to SWIFT, please consider taking the Introduction to SWIFT: Navigation webinar before enrolling in a module-specific webinar.
  • One-On-One Sessions: If you would like one-on-one training on a SWIFT module not offered through a webinar, please email to request a one-on-one session.
  • Training Guides and Video Tutorials: Please check the SWIFT Training Guides and Resources page for training guides and video tutorials. You will find training guides covering each module on SWIFT. We will add video tutorials to this page in upcoming weeks.

To find and enroll in SWIFT webinars, open the Self Service or Administrative Portal and select the ELM tile. On the Learning Management page, select Find Learning on the left menu. On the Find Learning page, enter “SWIFT” in the Description field and choose Search. Seats are available in the following webinars: 




SWIFT Billing Part 1 Webinar

May 14, 2020

10:00 am to 11:30 am

SWIFT Billing Part 2 Webinar

May 14, 2020

1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Introduction to SWIFT Webinar (Reporting Tools)

May 13, 2020

9:30 am to 11:00 am

Introduction to SWIFT Webinar (Navigation)

May 20, 2020

9:30 am to 11:30 am

Introduction to SWIFT Webinar (Reporting Tools)

May 27, 2020

9:30 am to 11:00 am

SWIFT Overview on Purchase Orders Webinar

June 2, 2020

8:30 am to 10:00 am

SWIFT Overview on Creating Contract Documents Electronically Webinar (SC2)

May 26, 2020

8:30 am to 10:00 am

SWIFT Training Guides and Resources

You can find reference guides on all modules in SWIFT on the Training Guides and Resources page.

SWIFT Help Desk

Contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any questions, concerns or issues you have with SWIFT:
651-201-8100, option 2 or by email Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; closed holidays. When emailing the SWIFT Help Desk, be sure to include all details regarding the issue. 

Information to include with your message:

  • Issue Description
  • Business Unit
  • Module (Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, etc.)
  • Transaction ID (Voucher ID, PO ID, etc.)
  • Error Message Print Screen
  • Additional assistance can be found on the SWIFT Training Guide page.

SWIFT Update Mailing List

The SWIFT Update is sent to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list. Use the links at the bottom of the page to subscribe or unsubscribe to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list.

Printing the SWIFT Update

  • If you are experiencing issues printing this update, download a PDF version and print that version
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