2024-2025 Enacted Biennial Budget
Each odd-numbered year the Governor proposes, and the Legislature enacts, a two-year operating budget, often called the biennial budget. The FY 2024-25 biennial budget was passed by the Legislature and signed into law by Governor Walz in May 2023. Follow the link below to access the interactive visualization showing the projected state budget (base) for revenue and expenditures and the changes made with the enacted budget.
Learn more about the Enacted Budget

Children's Cabinet
The Children’s Cabinet works to bring efficiency and effectiveness to state government efforts to improve child and youth outcomes.

Office of Addiction and Recovery
The Office of Addiction and Recovery works across state government to improve outcomes for Minnesotans experiencing substance use disorder, their families, and their communities.

Office of Inclusion
The Office of Inclusion is dedicated to fostering an equitable, inclusive, accessible, and just environment where everyone is valued and provided equitable opportunities.

Programs and Services
Programs and services that support the employees and stakeholders in state government enterprise.