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State agency evidence-based information in budget proposal change pages

The State of Minnesota is making dramatic strides in its use of evidence to inform which programs we fund and how we implement those programs. The consistent use of evidence helps policymakers improve outcomes over time and across a wide range of public services. To continue that progress, the budget proposal change page templates include a section that allows agencies to highlight the evidence that supports their proposals.

Agencies should complete this portion of the form for any budget proposals that your agency would like to see categorized as "evidence-based" during the budget review and decision-making process.

If you have questions, please e-mail us at  

Module 1: What is evidence of effectiveness? (3:52)
Module 2: Where can I find evidence of effectiveness? (5:27)
Module 3: Should I fill out the form for my proposal? (4:28)
Module 4: How do I fill out the form? (5:40)
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