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Job Class Specifications

Each job class specification acts as a general description of the kind of work performed by employees in that classification. A job classification is a group of one or more positions with similar duties and responsibilities that the same descriptive title (i.e., classification) may be used. These classifications help clarify positions within the class so that the same schedules of pay can be applied with equity to all positions in the class that fall under the same, or substantially the same employment conditions.

There are nearly 1,200 class specifications available for review on the HR Toolbox.

Class Specifications - D

This page shows job class specifications that begin with the letter D; the documents on this page are PDF files.

Dairy Inspection Supervisor - 0220
Dairy Inspector 1 - 3565
Dairy Inspector 2 - 3566
Data Processing Coordinator - 2303
DEI Consultant - 3977
DEI Consultant Senior - 3978
DEI Manager - 3979
DEI Manager Principal - 3981
DEI Manager Senior - 3980
DEI Specialist - 3974
DEI Specialist Intermediate - 3975
DEI Specialist Senior - 3976
DEI Supervisor - 3983
Delivery Van Driver - 0224 
Demographer State - 1503
Dental Assistant - 1623
Dental Hygienist - 0227
Dentist - 0228
Deputy State Fire Marshal - 3021
Dietitian 1 - 0234
Dietitian 1 Supervisor - 2189
Dietitian 2 - 0235
Dining Hall Coordinator - 0800
Director Administrative Information Systems - 2445
Director - Corrections Industries - 3148
Director Employment Programs - 3483
Director of Nursing - 0237
Disability Determination Services Assistant Director - 0601
Disability Determination Services Director - 0869
Disability Examiner - 0871
Disability Hearings Officer - 2613
Disability Program Operations Supervisor - 2508
Disability Program Specialist - 1387
Disability Specialist - 0870
Disability Supervisor - 0947
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Representative - 2500
Dispute Prevention and Resolution Specialist Senior - 2608
Driver and Vehicle Services Assistant Regional Supervisor - 2702
Driver and Vehicle Services Examining and Inspection Specialist - 2663
Driver and Vehicle Services Examining and Inspection Specialist Senior - 0242
Driver and Vehicle Services Program Supervisor - 2779
Driver and Vehicle Services Regional Supervisor - 1413
Driver Improvement Specialist - 2646
Duplicating Shop Supervisor - 0249

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