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Katie Hatt

Senior Management Consultant

Katie Hatt has over ten years of experience in government, with about half at local and regional government in leadership roles at Hennepin County and the Metropolitan Council and half in state government in both the legislative and executive branches. She has also worked as a project manager for the Department of Employment and Economic Development, as a research consultant at the Minnesota House of Representatives, as a policy advisor to Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, and as the state interagency rail director at the Department of Transportation. Additionally, Katie has five years of consulting experience working for nonprofit and philanthropic clients on policy development and legislative strategy at the state and county levels.

Consulting focus

Katie’s early consulting focus is program evaluation, meeting design and facilitation, organizational effectiveness, and project planning to support successful launches of new initiatives. Katie loves that collaboration is at the heart of consulting, and she is energized by learning—whether by getting to know new clients, understanding new programs or policies, or learning new technical tools to engage project partners or analyze and present information.

Client and project highlights

One of Katie’s early projects with MAD is a cost-effectiveness analysis with the state Guardian ad Litem Board, and she plans to work on projects that include program evaluation involving interviews and quantitative and qualitative analysis, organizational development and change management, and project management consulting.

Educational background

Katie has a bachelor of science in urban studies from the University of Minnesota.

Katie Hatt
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