Each job class specification acts as a general description of the kind of work performed by employees in that classification. A job classification is a group of one or more positions with similar duties and responsibilities that the same descriptive title (i.e., classification) may be used. These classifications help clarify positions within the class so that the same schedules of pay can be applied with equity to all positions in the class that fall under the same, or substantially the same employment conditions.
There are nearly 1,200 class specifications available for review on the HR Toolbox.
This page shows Job Classifications that begin with the letter V. All of the job classifications are listed as PDF documents.
Vendor Management Specialist - 3081
Veterans Assistance Coordinator - 0667
Veterans Assistance Supervisor - 0747
Veterans Claims Representative - 1084
Veterans Claims Representative Sr - 3835
Veterans Employment Representative - 0788
Veterans Employment Representative Senior - 1055
Veterans Home Administrator - 8179
Veterans Home Program Assistant - 2616
Veterans Home Transportation Supervisor - 2388
Veterinarian - 0751
Veterinarian Senior - 0752
Vocational Education Field Instructor - 1058
Vocational Evaluator - 2618
Vocational Evaluator Senior - 2619
Vocational Evaluator Supervisor - 2644
Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Coordinator - 2525
Vocational Rehabilitation Technician Senior - 2536
Volunteer Services Coordinator - 0755
Volunteer Services Supervisor - 2228