Crystal Reports Examples - DOER Training
Click the links below to open an example of the report described. Examples are in Crystal Reports .rpt format.
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR,TRNG-COURSE-SESN-INSTR, LOCATION- Lists all participants(except those with status applied, session wait list, mandatory course or trng.plan) in a course session. For students who canceled, the cancellation date is printed. Includes non-employees. (TRNBILLG.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR.- Lists all participants with status completed in a session. Includes non-employees. Sorts by agency, or employer, and student. (TRNCERTF.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE, EMPLOYMENT-CUR, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists all participants in a course session, with their phone number and status of enrollment. Includes non-employees. Sorts by name. (TRNDIR.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR,TRNG-COURSE-SESN-INSTR- Lists all participants with status Enrolled in a session. It includes non-employees. Sorts by Student Name (TRNCLASS.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR,TRNG-COURSE-SESN-INSTR- Lists all students(except those with status Applied, Session Waitlist, Mandatory Course or Training Plan) (TRNCLBIL.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR, TRNG-COURSE-SESN-INSTR- Lists all students with status enrolled in a course session. Includes non-employees (TRNROS.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists all employees who have taken the requested courses during a range of start dates, and have a status of completed or incomplete. Does not include non-employees. Sorts by employee's agency name, employee name, employee nbr, descending start date. (TRNCOMPL.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESSION- Lists course titles, course codes session number, start date, and end date, for all courses sponsored by department G244000(Training and Development Resource Center). Sorts by course title, session number. (TRNCRS.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists employees from the requested agency who have taken the requested course during a range of start dates, and have status of completed or incomplete. Does not include non employees. Sorted by employee name, employee id, descending start date. (TRNCRSAG.RPT)
TRNG-COURSE- Lists each TDRC(Training and Development Resource Center) sponsored course and its agency use field.Indicates which codes have been used. Sorted by agency use, course title. (TRNCODE.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN- Lists all courses taken by an employee. Does not include non-employees. Sorts by descending start date, descending end date. (TRNINDIV.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, LOCATION, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- This report is a confirmation letter for all participants enrolled in a training course. Includes non-employees. (TRNLETTR.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists all courses taken during range of start dates, Agency(Agency Nm,) by Empl. from the requested agcy. and have status complete or incomplete. Doesn't incl. non-employees. Sorts by course title, course cd, empl name, empl ID, desc start dt. (TRNEEAG.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists course title, course code, attendance status, start and end dates, and hours completed, for the selected agency and range of training start dates. Sorted by department name, employee name, employee ID, and start date. (TRNDEPT.RPT)
TRNG-PARTICIPANT, TRNG-COURSE-SESN, TRNG-COURSE, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- Lists all courses sponsored by DOER, Trng and Develop. Resource Ctr. for a range of start dates, Employee status Completed or Incomplete. Does not include non-employees. Sorted by course title, course code, employee name, employee id, desc. start date. (TRNEEAGD.RPT)