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2013 June 20 IA Warehouse New Reports Annual Employee Review data

Two new Employee Review Crystal reports are now available in the IA Warehouse Crystal Reports Examples Employee folder.

For additional information please reference the SEMA4 Bulletin dated June 19, 2013: Recording and Reporting Employee Review Data from SEMA4.

Annual Employee Reviews Due and Done
This report prompts for fiscal year and agency code. It selects the records that are due in the requested fiscal year, and done in the requested fiscal year by the requested agency, where the done record has review type Annual Performance, Both, Performance, Performance/Salary, or Salary, and the From date of the review period is entered. A completed From date indicates the review has taken place.

Annual Employee Reviews Due and Not Done
This report prompts for fiscal year and agency code. It selects the records that are due in the requested fiscal year, where the review type is Annual Performance, Both, Performance, Performance/Salary, or Salary, and the From date is blank. Leaving the From date of the review period blank indicates the review has not taken place.

In order to view data in the new reports, users need to have clearance for the HR-USER security group in the IA warehouse and also need the appropriate data security clearance in SEMA4.

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