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Employee Reporting Payroll and Labor Distribution MN IA270S

This module will provide you with information about the data from the Information Access Data Warehouse which relates to employee reporting, payroll, and labor distribution. This module also contains information about budgetary data, chart of accounts, and human resource data as it pertains to labor distribution.
At a minimum, individuals who wish to become Power Users should have the following skills:
  • Comprehensive understanding of business processes used in SEMA4
Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the employee data available in the warehouse
  • Understand the payroll data available in the warehouse
  • Understand the labor distribution data available in the warehouse
This module is recommended for employees who have been identified as Power Users of the Information Access Data Warehouse and whose job duties include creating ad hoc reports about employee reporting and labor distribution.
This course has two Learning Guides, one for Employee Reporting and one for Labor Distribution.
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