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FY 2024-25 Biennial Budget Instructions

The process of developing a comprehensive state budget involves the participation of numerous parties and stakeholders over several months. The budget process begins in even-numbered years, with MMB issuing Biennial Budget Instructions to state agencies in early summer.

The instructions provide guidance to state agencies for developing basic budget information including descriptions of agency programs and activities; developing historical current and base budget fiscal data in the budget system; and for submitting requests for funding. Each state agency must prepare and submit a budget, which includes a Base Budget Plan, representing planned spending at current appropriation levels. The budget submission may also contain Change Requests. Change requests are discrete decision items for proposed increases, new one-time expenditures - or significant internal re-allocations or budget reductions. By law, all agencies’ budgets must be submitted to MMB by October 15th. MMB submits agency base budget plans to the legislature by November 30.

Once the budgets are submitted, MMB reviews the submitted budget requests with the Governor and formulates preliminary recommendations during November – January. Budget review includes a detailed analysis of agency programs, operational performance, changes in population and cost trends, as well as other factors related to the efficient, effective use of public resources. The final budget plans, as adjusted and approved by the Governor, will then be presented to the Legislature by the fourth Tuesday in January. If a new Governor is elected in November, the budget will be presented to the Legislature by the third Tuesday in February.

Governor's Budget Request Instructions (August 2022)

Base Budget Instructions (August 2022)

Federal Funds Summary, Grants Funding Detail, and Internal Service Fund Financial Statement Instructions and Templates (August 2022)

Departmental Earnings Instructions (August 2022)

Budget Narrative Instructions (June 2022)

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