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SWIFT Update December 12, 2024

Agency Contact from the AP Origin Code 

The Accounts Payable module requires an Origin Code for vouchers. The AP Origin Code represents the division, district, or regions within the State agency responsible for the voucher. The AP Origin Code also provides the agency contact information that is displayed on the voucher remittance and appears on warrants.

It is important that this contact information on vouchers is accurate. Please review your agency’s contact information for your AP Origin Codes.

Run this query to see your agency’s contact information: M_AP_Agency_Origin

Query to find Contracts on Agency AP Origin Codes

If your agency needs to update the contact information for the AP Origin Code, please complete the Accounts Payable Agency Origin Form and submit to the System Compliance team. If you have further questions, please contact the SWIFT Help Desk.

Need Help Finding Contracts that are Expiring? 

The Department of Administration's Office of State Procurement (OSP) recommends that agencies cancel or close existing supplier contracts that they no longer need. Cancelling or closing these contracts streamlines reports both for agencies and for OSP.

  • Cancel supplier contracts that have no activity against them. An activity includes purchase orders, receipts, and vouchers.
  • Close supplier contracts that have no activity against them.

Review the Close or Cancel a Supplier Contract or Lines Quick Reference Guide for more information.

You can find Contract IDs by Business Unit and Origin that have expired or will expire using this query in the Query Viewer: M_SC_GBL_EXPR_CNTRCTS_BU_ORGN

This query provides information such as the Status, Begin and Expire Dates, Buyer, Supplier, Maximum Amount, Total Released Amount, and Remaining Released Amount.

Find out about queries and the Query Viewer from the Overview of SWIFT Reporting User Guide.

MMB is Hiring for the Payroll Team

Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) is hiring two positions for the Payroll Team.

  • Payroll Tax Accountant (Financial Specialist 2 or 3): This position oversees the state’s payroll tax compliance responsibilities in a multi-state environment as well as internal controls for other aspects of the section’s payroll functions. 
  • Payroll Accounting Specialist (Financial Specialist 1): This position serves as the state expert for labor distribution, expense transfers, cost projections, and business expense reimbursements. 

Please share these position openings with colleagues and friends who may be interested.

ERP/SWIFT Procurement Support Supervisor 

The Department of Administration (Admin) is hiring a SWIFT Procurement Support Supervisor (Administrative Planning Director State), who will supervise a team of professional staff to provide effective procurement module management, functional analysis, and business process design, along with testing of system upgrades, changes, and enhancements to the procurement modules in SWIFT. As system module experts, this team provides assistance and training to State agencies, vendors, and other users to optimize their use of the procurement modules in meeting processing and reporting needs.

Admin offers a hybrid work environment. With a telework arrangement, onsite attendance may be required for team meetings or as requested by management to meet business needs. At a minimum, two (2) onsite days per month will be required. Completion of a telework agreement will be required.

The first review of applications/resumes for the SWIFT Procurement Support Supervisor, Job ID 81598, will begin after 12/02/2024.

State employees interested in the position should apply to Job ID 81598

Sales and Use Tax Updates

Starting January 1, 2025, the 0.5% Lanesboro sales and use tax will no longer apply.

The Minnesota Department of Revenue will be administering the following new sales and use taxes effective January 1, 2025:

The sales and use tax rate changes apply to sales made on or after January 1, 2025. They will be in addition to all other taxes in effect. Local sales tax applies to retail sales made and taxable services provided within the local taxing area (county/city limits). The tax applies to the same items that are taxable under the Minnesota sales and use tax law.

Agencies entering purchase orders for the new fiscal year, prior to the January 1, 2025 tax effective date, will have the old rate calculated and will need to update their purchase orders.

Purchase orders entered in SWIFT on or after January 1, 2025, will calculate the new tax rates for each county/city.

Existing purchase orders and/or their vouchers will need to be adjusted to pay the correct tax if delivery occurs after various dates. Please note that the dates will be different based on whether goods or construction materials are being delivered. Check the tax notice for the affected city for the correct dates.

For assistance in changing the sales tax on a purchase order, please consult the Update the Sales Tax Settings on an Existing Purchase Order Quick Reference Guide

Impact of New Local Tax

Please see the Minnesota Department of Revenue tax notice for the appropriate city for guidance in handling purchase orders and payments during the transition period.

Impact on Accounts Payable:
Vouchers entered in SWIFT on or after the tax effective date will calculate the new tax rates for each county/city if the Invoice Date is on or after the tax effective date. If the Invoice Date is before the tax effective date, SWIFT will exclude the new tax rates. Please review the tax calculation carefully prior to payment on all vouchers with Ship To locations within these jurisdictions.

Impact on Purchase Orders:
SWIFT will be updated with the new tax codes for all existing Ship To addresses located in the affected cities. New purchase orders, created on or after January 1, 2025, will calculate the new rate of tax for the ship to addresses within those counties/cities. Existing purchase orders may or may not need to have the tax code updated on the purchase order if payment can be processed during any allowed grace period(s), again, see the general notice for each county/city. Previously any Ship To addresses in affected cities may have used the tax code of "0000," State Tax only.

To calculate the new combined rate, state and local tax rate, the tax code(s) on the purchase order must be updated to the new tax code(s) from the "0000" tax code. Because of the various transition rules, these codes will not be updated by SWIFT and must be updated by the purchase order buyer.

SWIFT and EPM Data Warehouse Training

The SWIFT Training team offers training through a variety of methods. There are SWIFT training guides and training videos, EPM training guides, webinars, labs, eLearning, and individual sessions (by request through the SWIFT Help Desk).

Find current SWIFT training in Learning Management. Enter "SWIFT" in the Find Learning text entry box.


Sessions run 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m., unless otherwise noted



Introduction to SWIFT Navigation webinar



Introduction to SWIFT eLearning



Overview of SWIFT Reporting webinar

1/15/24; 2/19/25, 3/19/25


SWIFT Account Receivable Part A: Direct Journal Deposits webinar



SWIFT Accounts Receivable Part B: Apply Payments to Invoices webinar



SWIFT Accounts Receivable Part C: Maintenance Worksheets webinar



SWIFT Create Vouchers Overview in Accounts Payable webinar



SWIFT Billing Part 1 webinar



SWIFT Billing Part 2 webinar



Build a My Dashboard for SWIFT Reports in EPM lab 



Create a SWIFT All Expenditures Report in EPM lab



Create a SWIFT All Receipts Report in EPM lab



Introduction to the EPM Data Warehouse for SWIFT webinar



SWIFT EPM Create and Save a New Analysis lab



SWIFT EPM Formatting Your Report lab



SWIFT EPM Manager's Financial Report lab



Use SWIFT Standard Reports in EPM lab



Understand the SWIFT Data in the EPM Data Warehouse webinar



SWIFT Budget Journal Administration webinar Part 1 webinar



SWIFT Budget Journal Administration webinar Part 2 webinar



SWIFT Create Purchase Orders Overview webinar



SWIFT Create a Supplier Contract Shell webinar
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.



SWIFT Strategic Sourcing Part 1: Create, Post, and Approve Events webinar



SWIFT Strategic Sourcing Part 2: Analyze and Award Events webinar
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.



SWIFT Strategic Sourcing eLearning


SWIFT Help Desk

Contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any SWIFT-related questions or issues.


Phone: 651-201-8100, option 2

Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed holidays)

When contacting the SWIFT Help Desk, make sure to include details about your question or issue, including:

  • Your Business Unit
  • Description of the issue/question
  • SWIFT Module (Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, etc.)
  • Transaction ID (Voucher ID, PO ID, etc.)
  • Error message print screen

Additional assistance can be found on the SWIFT Training Guides and Resources page.

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