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SWIFT Update July 29, 2021

Updates to Procurement Processes 

Edge and Chrome Browsers
Changes were implemented on July 25 to the Catalog Punchout process due to an intermittent issue when using Chrome or Edge browsers. Users reported being redirected to the Requisition Entry page instead of the Check Out and Review page when trying to submit the supplier shopping cart. Both Chrome and Edge browsers should now work as expected.

Dispatched Purchase Orders Impacting Supplier IDs
The purchase order change process has been updated to prevent agency staff from changing the Supplier ID on a dispatched purchase order. When an agency wants to change the supplier on a dispatched purchase order, they must now cancel the existing dispatched purchase order and create a new one with the new Supplier ID. When an agency cancels a purchase order, SWIFT will send a change order to its supplier notifying them of the cancellation. This process change only affects the ability to change the Supplier ID on a dispatched purchase order. Agencies can continue to update Supplier Locations and Addresses on a dispatched purchase order. Agencies can also continue to use the Blanket Purchase Order Against Multiple Suppliers (BPM) for processing payments to multiple suppliers providing the same products or services.  

For questions about canceling, editing or closing a purchase order, refer to the SWIFT videos and the SWIFT quick reference guides about purchasing.


Federal Indirect Cost Payments 

Agencies need to process their federal receipt vouchers for the indirect costs timely as well to be included in the reverse bilateral netting process. Please see Budget and Accounting Instructions Document 2 for details on how to enter Federal Indirect Cost Vouchers. You can find it on the SWIFT Budget and Accounting Instructions page.

The reverse bilateral netting process will run on the following dates:
•    August 3, 2021
•    August 20, 2021

Respond to Problem Reports

Agencies need to respond quickly to encumbrance certification and appropriation problem reports.

Encumbrance Certification Reports
•    Agencies must cancel all encumbrances for the fiscal year unless the agency head certifies that goods were purchased or services were rendered by June 30, 2020 (MS 16A.28).
•    Agencies must certify encumbrances by completing and returning the certification report to Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB).

Appropriation Problem Reports
•    MMB continues to send them out every Monday.
•    These reports identify appropriations that are over-obligated, over extended, or have open requisitions (pre-encumbrances) or anticipated transfers.
•    Agencies must resolve these conditions before hard close on August 20, 2021.

Help Desk Hot Topics

Help Desk Hot Topics feature Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) answered by the SWIFT Help Desk. Use these as a friendly reminder of a process or as an opportunity to learn something new!

Q. How do I review or update a Remit To address on a voucher in the Accounts Payable module?

A. Look on the Payments tab on a voucher. You can find the Remit To address in the Payment Information section. The Remit To address defaults based on the supplier’s Location Code selected when the voucher was created.

You cannot edit the Remit To Address field. You can update it by selecting an existing Location Code for that supplier with the address you wish to use. If that address is not attached to a Location Code, submit a Supplier Change Request to add or update the address tied to the location. Contact the Vendor Support team at for assistance updating the correct supplier location.

To review how to find the correct Location Code, view the Supplier Query reference guide and follow Steps 3 and 4.

Did you know? You can look-up a supplier with any one of a variety of fields. For example, you can search by full address, customer number, or withholding tax ID (Tax Identification Number). View the Supplier Inquiry Quick Reference Guide for more information.

SWIFT Training and Resources

The SWIFT training team is offering online training through webinars, one-on-one sessions, and video tutorials.

  • Quick Reference Guides and Training Videos: Please check the Training and Support Resources page for the quick reference guides and training videos/ You will find reference guides covering all modules on SWIFT. We are adding new training videos in the most commonly used modules.
  • Webinars: We are offering modified online versions of our classroom training. They are shorter and meant to provide basic demonstrations of the SWIFT modules. If you are newer to SWIFT, please consider taking the Introduction to SWIFT: Navigation webinar before enrolling in a module-specific webinar.
  • One-On-One Sessions: If you would like one-on-one training on a SWIFT module not offered through a webinar, please email to request a one-on-one session.

To find and enroll in SWIFT webinars, open the Self Service or Administrative Portal and select the ELM tile. On the Learning Management page, select Find Learning on the left menu. On the Find Learning page, enter “SWIFT” in the Description field and choose Search. Seats are available in the following webinars:




Overview of Accounts Payable

Aug 3, 2021

9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Billing Part 1

Aug 4, 2021

9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Billing Part 2

Aug 4, 2021

1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Strategic Sourcing, Part 1: Create, Post, and Approve Events

Aug 4, 2021

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Create a Contract Shell

Aug 5, 2021

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Strategic Sourcing, Part 2: Analyze and Award Events

Aug 11, 2021

9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Overview of Creating Purchase Orders

Aug 24, 2021

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Introduction to SWIFT Navigation

Sept 8, 2021

9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Introduction to SWIFT Reporting

Sept 15, 2021

9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

SWIFT Help Desk

Contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any questions, concerns or issues you have with SWIFT:
651-201-8100, option 2 or by email Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; closed holidays. When emailing the SWIFT Help Desk, be sure to include all details regarding the issue. 

Information to include with your message:

  • Issue Description
  • Business Unit
  • Module (Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, etc.)
  • Transaction ID (Voucher ID, PO ID, etc.)
  • Error Message Print Screen
  • Additional assistance can be found on the SWIFT Training Guide page.

SWIFT Update Mailing List

The SWIFT Update is sent to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list. Use the links at the bottom of the page to subscribe or unsubscribe to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list.

Printing the SWIFT Update

  • If you are experiencing issues printing this update, download a PDF version and print that version
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