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SWIFT Update March 19, 2020

Reminder: The SWIFT Help Desk Remains Open

Please contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any questions, concerns, or issues you have with SWIFT.

Special Coding for COVID-19 Activity 

We created a new Statewide Cost (SW Cost) code for tracking costs related to COVID-19 in SWIFT and SEMA4. The code is: C19. The code will be used to report what the state spent on COVID-19 activities. The information may also be used to claim state or federal reimbursement if funds become available.

In SWIFT, you should use the C19 code to indicate COVID-19-related costs such as supplies, cleaning services, and travel expenses paid to a supplier. To do this, enter C19 in the SW Cost field on the accounting distribution line of purchase order and/or payment transactions.

Each agency’s finance and payroll teams must determine the process to track costs within your agency and communicate the process and expectations to employees.

SWIFT Training Guides and Resources

You can find reference guides on all modules in SWIFT on the Training Guides and Resources page.

SWIFT Help Desk

  • Contact the SWIFT Help Desk for any questions, concerns or issues you have with SWIFT:
    651-201-8100, option 2 or by email
  • Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; closed holidays.
  • When emailing the SWIFT Help Desk, be sure to include all details regarding the issue. Information to include with your message:
  • Issue Description
  • Business Unit
  • Module (Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, etc.)
  • Transaction ID (Voucher ID, PO ID, etc.)
  • Error Message Print Screen
  • Additional assistance can be found on the SWIFT Reference Guide page.

SWIFT Update Mailing List

  • The SWIFT Update is sent to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list. Use the links at the bottom of the page to subscribe or unsubscribe to the SWIFT Newsletter subscription list.

Printing the SWIFT Update

  • If you are experiencing issues printing this update, download a PDF version and print that version
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