Webinar Recordings
Wednesday Well-being Webinar recordings are posted about three weeks after the live event. This allows time for the videos to be made accessible.
2024 Webinar Recordings
- The Winter Blues
- When Helping Hurts: Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious Trauma, Secondary Traumatic Stress
- Emotional Trauma
- Dealing with Difficult Personalities
- Benefit Change Highlights from a Panel of Experts
- Impact of Learning Styles in the Workplace
- Co-Worker Communication
- Workplace Wellness
- Strategies for Getting Ahead
- Psychological Safety and Self-Advocacy
- Understanding Mental Health in the LGBTQ+ Community
- Dealing with Triggers
- Key Conversations
- Minnesota State Retirement System: MSRS
- Teambuilding
- Get to Know Your Benefits
- Ten Steps to Financial Success
- Transition to Retirement
- Depression
- Expressing Anger: Do’s and Don’ts
- Stress Less: Tips for Relaxation and Well-being
- How to Shake a Bad Mood
- Art of Decision Making
- First Aid Kit for the Mind
- Personal Resilience
- Expanding Your Sphere of Influence
- Building Self-Esteem Through Positive Self-Talk
- Foods that Fuel Immunity
- Your Holiday Survival Guide: Fitness and Nutrition Edition
2023 Webinar Recordings Archive
- General EAP Benefits
- Youth Mental Health with Dr. Craft
- Self-Care and Resilience
- Get to Know Your Benefits
- Working Effectively with Your Manager
- Mental Health Awareness Month - Anxiety Awareness
- The Stress of Conflict
- The Stress of Conflict (Part 2)
- The Stress of Conflict (Part 3)
- Building a Trauma Informed Workplace