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Contracts and Grants

contractstmnAccess to detail on Minnesota state agencies' contracts, grants, and purchase orders is provided directly from the state's accounting and procurement systems.

As with other open checkbook data, information is updated nightly to reflect activity and transactions from the previous day.

Information can be selected by agency, type of contract or grant and other filters - all selected data can be downloaded.

Contracts reflect agreements entered into by state agencies. State agencies negotiate contracts with businesses, other governmental entities, and both for-profit and non-profit organizations for the purpose of obtaining specific services or goods.

The Minnesota Department of Administration is the central authority responsible for purchasing and contracting for executive branch state agencies. About 20,000 contracts are created per year.

Because of the breadth of goods and unique services involved, the volume and terminology of state contracts can be confusing. However, there are numerous contract types available for agency use that identify and classify each contract by the contract intent or purpose. The list of contract types and definitions is useful in selecting, filtering and sorting statewide contract data. The list of contract types can be viewed here [link to contract types]. Contracts often reflect a "not-to-exceed" dollar amount, rather than an actual dollar amount. Contracts do not encumber (set-aside) funds in agency budgets. Purchase Orders are entered against contracts to encumber the funds.

Download1 Go to detailed information on State Contracts. open-file-drawer-1

Grants are contracts that provide funding to a non-state entity, including service providers or individuals, for a specific purpose related to delivery of state services - or to provide services directly to citizens or clients on behalf of the state.

Download1 Go to detailed information on State Grants.

Purchase Orders are the standard documents for purchasing goods, whether for a one-time purchase or a purchase of goods or services from established contracts.

A purchase order is a document sent to a supplier or vendor authorizing shipment of a product at the price, quality, delivery date, and other terms specified. A purchase order is a legally binding contract that cannot be changed without the consent of both parties. About 200,000 purchase orders are created annually

Purchase Orders are also used to encumber (set-aside) funds in agency budgets for the various contracts that an agency expects it will create or use during the year.

Download1 Go to Detailed Information on State Procurement Orders.

Important Information on the Data

Not all grant agreements are entered into the state's procurement system. Some agencies have been allowed to maintain grant agreement records in their own internal systems. However, all grant payments are entered in the state's accounting system and may be found at the link to state payments at

Portal to State Payment Data

Contracts and grants are presented by category based on information entered by users across all agencies, and may not always accurately reflect the correct "type" of contract actually entered into. For example, a user may have mistakenly entered a grant using the "professional services" category.

When two or more agencies enter into a single contract with a vendor, the contract will only display for one agency. However, payments will display for each agency.

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