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Job Class Specifications

Each job class specification acts as a general description of the kind of work performed by employees in that classification. A job classification is a group of one or more positions with similar duties and responsibilities that the same descriptive title (i.e., classification) may be used. These classifications help clarify positions within the class so that the same schedules of pay can be applied with equity to all positions in the class that fall under the same, or substantially the same employment conditions.

There are nearly 1,200 class specifications available for review on the HR Toolbox.

Class Specifications - M

This page shows Job Classifications that begin with the letter M. All of the job classifications are listed as PDF documents.

Machinery Repair Worker - 0440
Machinist Mechanic - 0441
Machinist Mechanic Lead - 3665
Management Analyst 1 - 0006
Management Analyst 2 - 1528
Management Analyst 3 - 0893
Management Analyst 4 - 0634
Management Analyst Supervisor 1 - 2264
Management Analyst Supervisor 2 - 2115
Management Analyst Supervisor 3 - 2114
Management Consultant - 3067
Management Consultant Senior - 3068
Management Information Systems Consultant Supervisor-2954
Mason - 0444
Materials Transfer Driver - 1718
Mediator - 0075
Medical Assistant Certified - 3791
Medical Claims Technician 1 - 1497
Medical Laboratory Technician 1 - 0411
Medical Laboratory Technician 2 - 0864
Medical Records Officer - 0454
Medical Records Technician 1 - 0875
Medical Records Technician 2 - 1475
Medical Records Technician Supervisor 2 - 2191
Medical Technologist - 0455
Mental Health Program Administrative Supervisor - 2450  
Mental Health Program Assistant - 2559
Migrant Labor Representative - 0460
Military Refuse Vehicle Operator - 3305
Military Security Guard - 2441
Military Security Shift Supervisor - 2442
Mine Hoist & Maintenance Worker-0914
Mineland Reclamation Specialist - 2092
Mineland Reclamation Specialist Senior- 2698
Mineral Operations Specialist - 2152
Mining Aide - 0463
Mining Aide Intermediate - 1552
Minnesota Health Insurance Program Rep 1 - 3498
MN.IT Division Manager 1 - 3161
MN.IT Division Manager 2 - 3162
MNSCU Academic Professional 1- 7012
MNSCU Academic Professional 2 - 7022
MNSCU Academic Professional 3 - 7013
MNSCU Academic Professional 4 - 7024
MNSCU Academic Professional 5 -7204
MNSCU Academic Professional 6 - 7203
MNSCU Academic Supervisor 1 - 7020
MNSCU Academic Supervisor 2 -7023
MNSCU Academic Supervisor 3 - 7847
MnSCU Information Systems Manager - 2091
MNSCU Regional Audit Coordinator - 3718
MNSCU Security Coordinator - 3279 - no document available
MNSCU Student Activities Coordinator - 1376
MNSCU Student Activities Coordinator Senior - 2855
MNSCU System Audit Coordinator - 3886
Musical Instrument Repair Technician - 1022
Music Therapist - 2081
Music Therapist School District - 3901

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