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Crystal Reports Examples Employee

Crystal Reports Examples - Employee

Click the links below to open an example of the report described. Examples are in Crystal Reports .rpt format.

HR-CUR-RPTG- This report lists active, full-time employees. (EMP-002.RPT)

HR-CUR-RPTG- This report lists active, part-time employees. (EMP-001.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report summarizes employee counts by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-049.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employees by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-049D.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report summarizes employee counts by affirmative action plan. (AFF-050.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employees by affirmative action plan. (AFF-050D.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report summarizes employee counts by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-051.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employees by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-051D.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report summarizes employee counts by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-052.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employee by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-052D.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report summarizes employee counts(Veteran by Disability) by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-053.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, POSN-DATA-CUR, AGENCY, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employees(Veteran by Disability) by affirmative action plan and goal. (AFF-053D.RPT)

DEPARTMENTEMPLOYMENT-CURHR-JOB-INFO-CURJOB-CODE-CURPRSNL-DATA-CUR- This report lists the HR processing unit, employee name, employee ID, employment record number, department ID, employee status, reg/temp, job title, max step, grid(salary administration plan), range(grade), step, compensation rate, last increase date, and eligible for next increase date of employees in AFSCME who have employee status active, seasonal layoff, leave of absence, or paid leave of absence. Sorted by HR processing unit and employee name. (INCRDATE.RPT)

This report prompts for fiscal year and agency code. It selects the records that are due in the requested fiscal year, and done in the requested fiscal year by the requested agency, where the done record has review type Annual Performance, Both, Performance, Performance/Salary, or Salary, and the From date of the review period is entered. A completed From date indicates the review has taken place. (AnnualEmployeeReviewsDueandDone.rpt)

This report prompts for fiscal year and agency code. It selects the records that are due in the requested fiscal year, where the review type is Annual Performance, Both, Performance, Performance/Salary, or Salary, and the From date is blank. Leaving the From date of the review period blank indicates the review has not taken place. (AnnualEmployeeReviewsDueNotDone.rpt)

APPTMT-PPS-HIST- This table contains historical appointment data by employee, prior to SEMA4, that was previously maintained in the Personnel/Payroll System(PPS). It contains records that are dated from 1989 through the conversion date of the employee's agency to SEMA4(including employees who left state service prior to SEMA4 conversion). (APPT-PPS-HIST.RPT)

HR-CUR-RPTNG- This report shows an analysis of employees eligible for retirement(It is a sample report provided by the Department of Transportation) (RETELIG.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR- This report lists employee addresses by agency. (ADDRA701.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR- This report lists employees, job descriptions, department entry dates and employee status. (JOB-1701.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report lists employees by job description within an agency and bargaining unit. (JOB-B701.RPT)

HR-JOB-INFO-TRANS, COMPENSATION-TRANS, JOB-CODE- This report lists all employees subject to the agency head limit, who are 3.5% or less from their agency head's rate of pay. (AGENCYHEADLIMIT.RPT)

DEPARTMENT, EMPLOYMENT-CUR, HR-JOB-SW-CUR, PRSNL-DATA-CUR, CITIZENSHIP-PASSPORT- This report lists the name, employee ID, employment record number, work location, and last hire date of employees, in the selected agency, who have no citizenship status code in SEMA4. Sorted by HR processing unit, employee status, employee name, and employee ID. To run the report, enter or select a three-character agency code. (CITIZENSHIP.RPT)

EMERGENCY-CNTC, EMERGENCY-PHONE, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, DEPARTMENT, PRSNL-DATA-CUR- This report lists the emergency contacts for employees and non-employees, where the employee status is active, leave of absence, paid leave of absence, or seasonal layoff. Sorted by HR processing unit, location code, employee name, employee ID, primary contact indicator, and contact name. To run the report, enter or select a three-character agency code. (EMERG-CON.RPT)

ACCOMPLISHMENTS HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- This report lists the language records of active persons in the selected agency. It lists the name, employee ID, employment record number, proficiencies(speak, read, write), evaluation date, department name, and location name. Sorted by accomplishment, employee name, employee ID, employment record number. (LANGUAGES.RPT)

POSN-DATA-CUR- This report lists the position records with invalid data in the Unclassified Authorization field. Sorted by Department ID and Position Number. Position records are listed on the report if they do not meet the following criteria: In the Unclassified Authorization field, unclassified positions should have a valid value other than XXXX; classified positions and non-status positions should have a value of XXXX or blank. Exception: MnSCU Academic Exam Monitors should be non-status and have an unclassified authorization of OXXX. (UNCLASSIFIEDAUTHORIZATION.RPT)

ACCOMPLISHMENTS HR-JOB-INFO-CUR- This report lists the license/certificate records of active persons in the selected agency. It lists the name, employee ID, employment record number, issue date, license/certificate number, expiration date, verified indicator, issued by, department name, and location name. Sorted by accomplishment, employee name, employee ID, employment record number, descending issue date. (LICENSES.RPT)

POSN-DATA-CUR, DEPARTMENT- This report lists active positions in which the Not To Exceed Date is prior to today's date. (PSN-D603.RPT)

EMPLOYMENT-CUR, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, LOCATION, PRSNL-DATA-CUR- This report lists the active employees in some of the job codes which are considered Priority 1 services. It lists the work city, agency, employee name, bargaining unit, shift, full time/part time indicator, employee ID, employment record number, work phone, and work email address. Sorted by job code description, work city, and agency name. (PRIORITYONESERVICES.RPT)

HR-CUR-RPTNG, SENIORITY-ROSTER, LOCATION, POSN-DATA-CUR, SENIORITY-UNIT- This report lists employees in each seniority unit, in seniority order. (SNRTY-RSTR.RPT)

Supervisor's Employee Data
EMPLOYMENT-CUR, HR-CUR-RPTNG, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, LEAVE-PAY-PERIOD-END, POSN-DATA-CUR - Crystal Reports XI version report. This report prompts for agency number. Report returns all supervisors in the agency and lists various pieces of HR information for the employees that report to each supervisor. Report is grouped and page broken by supervisor. Important note: The agency number prompt is repeated multiple times due to the number of sub-reports necessary to return the content - all prompts must be filled in with the same agency number.

Parts 1 and 2: POSN-DATA-CUR, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, LOCATION, DEPARTMENT Part 3: POSN-DATA-CUR, HR-JOB-INFO-CUR, LOCATION, DEPARTMENT, COMPENSATION-CUR, EMPLOYMENT-CUR- This report contains three parts: Part 1 shows active vacant positions with no matching job record. Part 2 shows active vacant positions with a matching job record(i.e. the position has a matching job record but is not filled). Part 3 shows filled positions. Each part is sorted by agency, HR processing unit, and department. Parts 1 and 2 list positions by job code title. Part 3 lists positions by employee name. When you open the report in Crystal, part 1 displays on the Design tab. To open parts 2 and 3, double-click the field next to Report Footer a and double-click the field next to Report Footer b. A tab appears for each part. Each part has its own record selection criteria. Before you run the report, open all parts; then for each part, click Report, Select Expert and select the same DEPT-NBR starting value. (PSN-D602.RPT)

POSN-DATA-CUR- This report lists vacant positions for an agency. (PSN-D601.RPT)
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