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Taxes in SEMA4 MN PS360S

Learn how to update and view employee tax withholding records, view tax-related information in the Earnings and Deduction Table components, and view employee paycheck and W-2 information. You will also learn about the SEMA4 pay calculation process, and how to use the Net Pay Calculator tool.
Current SEMA4 user
Learning Objectives:
  • Update and view employee federal and state tax withholding information
  • View and interpret the tax-related fields in the Earnings and Deduction Tables
  • View employee paycheck information on earnings, deductions and taxes
  • Use the Net Pay Calculator tool
  • View and print employee W-2 information
Employees who:
  • Maintain employee tax withholding records
  • Assist employees in interpreting paycheck earnings and taxes
  • Assist employees in interpreting paycheck deductions and their impact on withholding
  • Assist employees in accessing and interpreting their W-2 information
Delivery Method:
Self-study topics with hands-on activities using the training database.
Three and one-half (3.5) hours
To take this course:
1. Complete the online course registration, using course number MN-PS360S.
2. You will receive an Email explaining how to access the training database.
3. Download the Learning Guide Word format
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