Learn how to answer employee questions about garnishments. You will view garnishment information in SEMA4, including setup table information that governs the process for calculating and withholding deduction amounts; specific employee garnishment case information; and employee paycheck information that results from the calculation and withholding process.
Current SEMA4 user
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the different types of garnishments
- Understand the garnishment process
- View garnishment setup tables, rules and definitions
- View and interpret individual employee garnishment records
- View and interpret paycheck information for garnishments
- Understand garnishment reports and disclosures
- Use SEMA4 Help
Employees who assist employees in understanding and interpreting garnishment information on their paychecks and send garnishment documentation to Statewide Payroll Services for processing.
Delivery Method:
Self-study topics with hands-on activities using the training database.
Three (3) hours
To take this course:
2. You will receive an Email explaining how to access the training database.