While on military leave, you are eligible to continue to accrue vacation and sick leave as if employed. When you return to work, your agency will calculate the additional leave you have accrued and add it to your balances. When you return to work, you may request to use accrued vacation time in accordance with the provisions of your labor agreement or compensation plan.
Use of Accruals
Eligible employees (those with remaining accruals at the time military leave commences) may elect to use accrued vacation time or compensatory time while on active duty. For employees on an extended military leave, you may not use vacation, comp time, or a floating holiday to extend your leave beyond your last day of active military duty. You will be placed on unpaid leave for the time between your last day of active military duty and when you return to work. The length of transition time between your last day of active military duty and reinstatement depends on the length of your active military duty.