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COVID-19 Minnesota Fund

The COVID-19 Minnesota fund was created in the state treasury to pay expenditures related to a peacetime emergency declared by Governor Walz in Executive Order 20-01. 

The Minnesota Legislature transferred $200 million from the state’s general fund to the COVID-19 Minnesota Fund and appropriated it to the Commissioner of  Management and Budget to be disbursed or transferred to state agencies, as necessary, to:

  1. Protect Minnesotans from the COVID-19 outbreak
  2. Maintain state government operations throughout the duration of the peacetime emergency

The fund will expire on December 31, 2020. Upon expiration, any money in the fund that remains unobligated will transfer to the general fund. The legislation that created the COVID-19 Minnesota fund also established the Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission to review expenditures from the fund and provide recommendations on any single expenditure request in excess of $1,000,000.

Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission Actions for the COVID-19 Minnesota Fund

FY 2021

FY 2020

Biweekly Expenditure Report

The Commissioner of Management and Budget must provide reports on the spending from the COVID-19 Minnesota fund to the Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission on the 15th and last day of each month. The report must include the total amount of each expenditure, the purpose of each expenditure, and any additional information the commissioner of management and budget determines is necessary to properly document each expenditure.

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