The Results First team at Minnesota Management and Budget maintains an inventory of publicly funded programs and services offered in Minnesota and categorizes these services based on the extent to which there is evidence that they generate favorable outcomes. This information can be found using The Minnesota Inventory.
We are often asked, "What do we know about the participants of the studies that make up the evidence of effectiveness for these services?" Users may want to understand how the evidence base does or doesn't represent groups in which they have a particular interest.
The charts below show the demographic data available for evidence-based programs and services (either “promising” or “proven effective”) in the Minnesota Inventory. Programs and services that are not evidence based are included in the Minnesota Inventory, but are not reflected here because there is no qualifying evidence supporting these programs.
To build this dataset, we identified and reviewed the supporting research used by clearinghouses to make the determination that a program or service is evidence-based. In some cases, we could not find the underlying research or were not able to access it. When we did find the journal article or report, some only provided the total number of people studied, but not their demographic information. For the high-quality research that contained demographic information, we documented it using the categories shown below. In some cases, we made reasonable assumptions about the data or collapsed similar data for presentation purposes.
If you have questions or suggestions about this analysis, please send us an email at resultsfirstmn@state.mn.us
The underlying data for these charts can be accessed as CSV tables here:
Number of studies by service area | Number of studies by individual studies | Demographic data by service area | Demographic data by individual services | Studies included in the data base (service area, service, title, author, year)