These payroll resources and tools are intended to support the processing of the State's biweekly payroll.
Payroll bulletins are posted from Statewide Payroll Services to keep all agencies and staff informed of upcoming deadlines; new functionality or system updates; and processing schedule changes.
Payroll-related calculators are tools developed using Excel software to assist users in calculating outcomes for specific payroll information based on individual parameters.
Payroll calendars are available in PDF format. These calendars indicate the pay period end dates, paydays and holidays. Current and upcoming calendar years are available.
Contacts for both Employees and Agency Payroll staff are available. These options should help in directing questions to the appropriate staff member.
The SEMA4 Payroll email list offers subscribers the opportunity to receive memos, announcements, reminders and schedule changes regarding payrollprocessing.
The forms listed include the most commonly used Payroll forms. Documents may be in Adobe (pdf), Rich Text (rtf), Word (doc), Word (docx) and Excel (xls) formats.
Operating Policies and Proceduresprovide written guidelines, policies, and directives from Minnesota Management & Budget regarding payroll topics.
Information here provides employees with assistance and step by step instructions for accessing, navigating, and completing tasks in Self Service.
SEMA4 (Statewide Employee MAnagement) is the payroll, human resources, and benefits system used by the State of Minnesota. Tools and resources for using the online system reside here.