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Laws, Rules, & Policies

This page provides one-stop access to laws, rules, policies and procedures related to current statewide human resources operations.

Our human resources policies and procedures serve four basic functions.

  • Compliance: Our policies and procedures uniformly apply human resources laws and rules in a manner consistent with legislative and management directives, and ensure that managers will be able to comply with these rules as well.
  • Risk management: Documented rules foster an effective system of internal controls.
  • Operations: Human resources policies and procedures promote effective communication and practices which will allow employers and employees to meet their objectives.
  • Process improvement: Reviewing our human resources policies and procedures will help managers develop sound practices which ensure the rights of employers and employees.

The materials below serve as excellent reference and training resources. Please review these documents and use them to develop and implement human resources procedures.

Federal Laws

References to federal employment-related statutes and regulations that affect employers and employees.

State Laws

References to state employment-related laws affecting employers and employees.

Administrative Rules

Links to state administrative rules relevant to personnel, state agencies & affirmative action, local government pay equity, and credit card disclosure reports.

Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedures for internal use.

Human Resources & Labor Relations Policies & Procedures

Statewide HR/LR policies and procedures.

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