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Grant Agreement Instructions

Minnesota Management and Budget has worked with attorneys from the Attorney General's Office to develop generic grant agreements (i.e. recommended examples of grant agreements) that comply with all of the provisions contained in and are imposed by the GO Bonding Law, the Commissioner's Order, and other applicable statutes. These generic grant agreements also contain provisions that are generally considered to be prudent financing requirements.
Generic grant agreements and other supporting documents have been developed for state agencies to use when the agency is making a grant to a public entity for a project that will be funded in whole, or in part, with the proceeds of State of Minnesota general obligation bonds or when the source of funds is from the state of Minnesota's general fund.
If you have any questions or desire any additional information regarding this information or the referenced documents, please contact the following individuals at Minnesota Management & Budget and the Attorney General's Office.
Minnesota Management and Budget
Roger Behrens
Capital Bonding Coordinator
(651) 201-8131
Attorney General's Office
Adam Sorenson
Assistant Attorney General
(651) 757-1202

Links to Instructions and Forms:

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