Legislative Advisory Commission
The legislative advisory commission has authority to review and grant requests by state departments and state agencies for approval to spend federal funds, funding from contingent appropriation accounts, or other specific authority granted to the LAC through law or statutes, e.g., Met Council Procurement, Attorney General Private Attorney Contracts, Unallotment / Use of Reserve and Short Term Borrowing. This review and authorization is generally used when the full legislature is not in session, or if urgent items or emergencies arise. MMB provides instructions for state agencies for preparing LAC requests.
The commission has four permanent members: the majority leader of the Senate; the chair of the Senate Finance Committee; the speaker of the House; and the chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. One additional member from each the House of Representatives and the Senate sit on the commission - determined by the funding request(s) being considered.
The commission meets at the call of the governor or two or more members of the commission. The commissioner of management and budget acts as secretary and keeps a permanent record and minutes of its proceedings, which are public records. Minnesota Statutes, section 3.30 and 3.3005 governs the commission's duties. The Minnesota Legislature Legislative Advisory Commission website has the meeting schedule, past meeting materials and minutes and members.