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Equal Opportunity, ADA, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Equal Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion (EODI) Team is fully committed to equal opportunity in employment and increasing diversity within Minnesota state government. The EODI Team ensures that state agencies are in compliance with state and federal non-discrimination and equal opportunity laws and policies. We oversee and monitor affirmative action, implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), equal opportunity in employment, and statewide recruitment efforts to diversify the state's workforce.

The EODI Team provides customer-focused solutions in attracting, hiring, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce. Utilizing best practices and promoting a proactive approach to affirmative action, equal opportunity, diversity, and inclusion, we strive to create and foster an environment that affirms and values diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We offer technical assistance, training, and consultation to state agencies.

Equal Opportunity

Find information about laws and policies that are related to equal opportunity in employment.

Affirmative Action

Find information about affirmative action plan requirements and monitoring the hiring process.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Find information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), reasonable accommodations, accessibility, and auxiliary aids and services.


Find information about federal and state laws that support the hiring of veterans and the State's efforts to employ and retain veterans.

Executive Order 19-15

Learn more about the Executive Order and leverage the vast resources available to help you agency meet and exceed the 7% goal.


Recruitment and diversity resources for recruiters and job seekers.


Frequently asked questions about Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employment topics. 

Contact Us

Contact the Equal Opportunity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EODI) Team at Minnesota Management and Budget.

Employee Resource Groups

Learn more about our employee-led groups that help advance our workplace and foster diversity and inclusion.

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