Submit your renewal for Medical Assistance by uploading your documents online
You can now submit your Medical Assistance (MA) renewal by uploading a scanned file or photos of your completed renewal using our health care renewal document upload tool.
Read the following instructions about how to complete the form and how to get help if you need it.
Make sure your information is complete and accurate or you may lose your health care coverage.
Get help
Get free help, including help to upload your renewal form, from a navigator. Click “Assister Directory” under Find Free Help. Search the directory to find a navigator near you and one that speaks your language.
MNSure navigatorsWhat to expect
You can upload your completed and signed renewal form using a scanned file or photos taken with your device. Here’s what to expect:
- First, we ask you for some personal information to help identify you and match your uploaded documents with your health care case. Be sure to enter your phone number and email address, if you have one.
- You can upload documents directly from your computer or device.
- You can upload several files at the same time.
- After you submit your documents, you’ll receive a confirmation number letting you know your uploaded files were received. If you provided your email address, you will also receive an email with this confirmation number.
What you need
You’ll need the following before uploading your documents:
- Completed and signed renewal form.
- Smart phone with a camera or access to a scanner. You have two options to upload your documents:
- Scan your renewal form and upload the file.
- Take photos of each page of the renewal form (front and back).
Do not include the following:
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
- Language Interpretation Page
- Appeals Information
Make sure all information entered on the renewal form is easy to read and that any scanned files or photos taken are clear.
Your case number is not required, however, if it’s not provided, there may be delays in your documents being matched to your case.
Ready to upload
When you’re ready to upload your documents, select the “Upload Documents” button, enter in the information requested, and follow the instructions provided.
NOTE: The upload process may take several minutes for the system to complete. Please make sure all files you would like to upload appear in the file list on screen before selecting Submit. Wait until you receive a confirmation number letting you know your upload was successful before exiting the upload portal.
What’s next
Your county or Tribal Nation will process your renewal and documents in the order they were received. The agency working on your renewal will contact you by mail if additional information is required. Watch your mail for more information about your case.
If you wish to upload additional items that may be requested during the process, return to this site and use the same process to upload any additional health care renewal documents as needed.
After your renewal is processed by the agency, you will receive an eligibility notice in the mail.
Frequently asked questions Get help
Other questions?
If you have questions about uploading your documents, call the county or Tribal Nation listed on your renewal form.