html582761englishMinnesota Department of Human Services / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-439919-64The Minnesota Department of Human Services, working with many others, helps people meet their basic needs so they can live in dignity and achieve their highest potential.jonathan.wittman, DHS.CentralWeb,Minnesota Department of Human ServicesThe Minnesota Department of Human Services, working with many others, helps people meet their basic needs so they can live in dignity and achieve their highest potential.Minnesota, health care, human services, child support, child protection, report abuse, report fraud,2020-07-13T15:00:12.5700000Z2025-02-13T20:21:59.8077270Zjonathan.wittman, DHS.CentralWeb,pwsea02,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2025-02-13T14:21:59-0600 People need help. That is why we are here. To see what help is available to you and your family, look for programs available to eligible Minnesotans.
Food and ... html569737englishMinnesota Food Assistance Program / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194214-64The Minnesota Food Assistance Program (MFAP) was created by the 1998 Minnesota Legislature in response to federal law changes, which made certain noncitizens ineligible for federally funded Food Support (formerly called Food Stamps).karen.nelsen-huss,Minnesota Food Assistance ProgramThe Minnesota Food Assistance Program (MFAP) was created by the 1998 Minnesota Legislature in response to federal law changes, which made certain noncitizens ineligible for federally funded Food Support (formerly called Food Stamps).food support , mfap , noncitizens , citizen , nutrition , snap , assistance , supplemental , food stamps , food ,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1000000Z2024-07-01T14:51:10.6889066Zkaren.nelsen-huss,PWTLB05,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2024-07-01T09:51:10-0500 Redirecting to the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families website this page html569676englishe-and-t / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194215-64Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program information page.Anastasia.Polda,e-and-tSupplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training program information page.supplemental , nutrition , assistance , program , food , food stamps , food support , employment , training , adult ,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1030000Z2023-07-17T20:18:11.1888524ZAnastasia.Polda,PWTLB05,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2023-07-17T15:18:11-0500
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Employment and Training Program (SNAP - E and T)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP ... html569492englishSNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194216-64SNAP helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced meals.kathy.bruen,SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance ProgramSNAP helps Minnesotans with low incomes get the food they need for nutritious and well-balanced , assistance , food stamps , food support , mfap , supplemental , nutrition , EBT , DHS-5223 ,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1030000Z2024-08-07T23:16:13.8769468Zkathy.bruen,PWTLB05,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2024-08-07T18:16:13-0500 Redirecting to the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families website this page html598574englishcommunity-action-agencies / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194217-64Locate a Service Provider - Current listings include Community Action Agencies & Tribal Government only.tikki.brown, karen.nelsen-huss,community-action-agenciesLocate a Service Provider - Current listings include Community Action Agencies & Tribal Government only.economic , opportunity , service , providers , community , action , programs , agencies , county , contact , cap , food ,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1130000Z2022-10-11T12:50:30.6905000Ztikki.brown, karen.nelsen-huss,PWJLJ25,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2022-10-11T07:50:30-0500
Community Action Agencies in Minnesota
A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | W | Y Community Action Agencies provide local, state, federal and private resources ... html585979englishSNAP frequently asked questions for seniors, farmers, immigrants / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194220-64Frequently asked questions about applying for SNAP, benefits, eligibility rules and general info for seniors, farmers, and immigrantskaren.nelsen-huss, tikki.brown,SNAP frequently asked questions for seniors, farmers, immigrantsFrequently asked questions about applying for SNAP, benefits, eligibility rules and general info for seniors, farmers, and immigrantsSNAP frequently asked questions, supplemental nutrition assistance, food, welfare, seniors, farmers, immigrants,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1200000Z2020-05-12T14:57:04.4944677Zkaren.nelsen-huss, tikki.brown,PWJLJ25,eng,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2020-05-12T09:57:04-0500
Frequently asked questions
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) questions about seniors, farmers and immigrants.
Additional questions about applying, ... html601370englishSNAP frequently asked questions / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-194219-64Frequently asked questions about applying for SNAP, benefits, eligibility rules and general info.karen.nelsen-huss, tikki.brown,SNAP frequently asked questionsFrequently asked questions about applying for SNAP, benefits, eligibility rules and general info.snap , questions , frequently asked , EBT card , apply , supplemental , nutrition , assistance , program , food , welfare ,2016-03-21T16:57:39.1170000Z2022-04-04T15:49:24.6286277Zkaren.nelsen-huss, tikki.brown,PWJLJ25,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2022-04-04T10:49:24-0500
Frequently asked questions
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) questions about applying, benefits, general information and eligibility rules. Additional ... html577452englishGeneral Assistance (GA) / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-174338-64GA provides cash assistance for single adults without children who have a serious illness, disability or other issue that limits their ability to work.Susan.Seidl,General Assistance (GA)GA provides cash assistance for single adults without children who have a serious illness, disability or other issue that limits their ability to work.general assistance , adult , cash assistance , welfare ,2016-03-06T21:53:46.0870000Z2025-01-03T17:39:21.5358973ZSusan.Seidl,PWJLJ25,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2025-01-03T11:39:21-0600
General Assistance (GA)
Program info
Program info The General Assistance (GA) program (PDF) helps people without children pay for basic ... html577642englishMinnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) / Minnesota Department of Human Servicestcm:1053-174688-64Minnesota Supplemental Aid is an income supplement for people who receive federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, or who could get SSI if their income was not above the SSI limit.John.Petroskas,Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)Minnesota Supplemental Aid is an income supplement for people who receive federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits, or who could get SSI if their income was not above the SSI limit.minnesota supplemental aid , cash , ssi , welfare , msa , Supplemental Security Income ,2016-03-06T21:55:11.8530000Z2018-04-12T20:49:15.2240000ZJohn.Petroskas,PWJLJ25,,eng,,width=device-width, initial-scale=1.03GrSKDyBS0GOI5h4CGLXu04FsYZEE_KTwsFWZ78sKKs2018-04-12T15:49:15-0500
Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)
Program info
Program info Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) provides cash assistance to help adults who ... xls42234May 5,
2023 18:21:33 GMTenglishTable 8PerceptiveExcel.SheetGoldschmidt, MarcelaTue, 26 Jul 2022 3:04:53 AM (UTC)Tue, 26 Jul 2022 3:13:38 AM (UTC)Goldschmidt, Marcela16.0300Microsoft ExcelState of Minnesotafalsefalsefalse0false2022-07-26T00:00:00-0500 Table 8 GROUP RESIDENTIAL HOUSING (GRH) COSTS AND REVENUE SHARES TABLE 8 GRH PROGRAM COSTS GRH PROGRAM REVENUE SHARES COUNTY CENTRALIZED COUNTY PERSONNEL ...
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