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Statistical Reports and State Budget Forecasts

The Reports and Forecasts Division is responsible for state budget forecasts of DHS-administered entitlement programs, including Medical Assistance (MA), MinnesotaCare, Alternative Care (AC), Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP – Minnesota’s TANF program), Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP), Northstar Care for Children, General Assistance (GA), Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA), Housing Support (HS), and the CD Treatment Fund.  The division is also responsible for mandatory federal statistical reporting for DHS-administered programs with federal funding, including MA, MFIP, CCAP, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).  Program definitions

  • The division provides forecasts of program caseloads and expenditures, which are used in budget development.
  • The division provides fiscal notes to accompany proposed legislation.
  • The division meets federal statistical reporting requirements.
  • The division responds to requests for statistical information on cash, food and medical assistance programs.

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State Budget Forecasts

Expenditure Forecast - Executive Summary:

Background Data Tables for the Expenditure Forecast:

BHP Trust Fund:

Minnesota Family Self-Sufficiency and Health Care Program Statistics

Cash, Food, Emergency, and Medical Programs - Statewide Statistics, by program for 10 annual and 13 monthly periods:

Medical Programs: Annual payments by eligibility group (statewide and county level data). Payments data reflect year of payment, not year of service:

Medical Programs: Annual enrollment by eligibility group (statewide and county level statistics). Counts of persons ever eligible, cumulative person months of eligibility, and average numbers of persons eligible per month are based on the month of eligibility:

Medical Assistance (MA) Enrollment  (statewide and county level statistics). Monthly enrollment (lagged to include retroactive eligibility):

MinnesotaCare (MNCare) Enrollment (statewide and county level statistics), Monthly enrollment:

Institutional Care - NF - statewide and county level rates of use of nursing home (nursing facility) services:

Institutional Care - ICF/DD - statewide and county level rates of use of Intermediate Care Facilities - Developmental Disabilities Services:

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and state-funded food - statewide and county level statistics, by month:

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