This is a study about recreation and well-being among Minnesota residents, with a particular focus on gambling attitudes and behaviors. The study seeks to understand Minnesotan’s attitudes about gambling and how frequently they gamble. The study also seeks to understand how common problem gambling behaviors are among Minnesota’s adult population.
The study is being conducted by the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS). DHS has hired Wilder Research to administer the survey, analyze the data, and prepare a report on the findings.
Households that received the survey were randomly selected from all households around the state. If you received a letter from DHS with specific instructions on how to complete the survey, you have been selected to complete the survey.
Participation is voluntary, but it is important that everyone who is invited completes the survey to ensure the data are representative of all Minnesota adults. The information you share will help DHS to provide better services and resources to meet the needs of all Minnesotans.
Yes! Even if you have never gambled, we need you to take the survey. The survey also asks important questions about your attitudes toward the availability of gambling. It is important that we hear from everyone who is invited so that we get an accurate picture of what people around the state think and do.
We are asking for some demographic information to ensure the survey is representative of the statewide population. We also ask some questions about your health so that we can understand how health is related to participating in gambling. Your responses are completely confidential and your information will not be shared beyond this survey.
Findings from this study will be used to assess problem gambling prevalence rates across the state, assess service needs, guide future research, create an action plan for service delivery, and bring necessary resources to communities with specific needs.
By responding to this survey your input will help ensure that your needs and the needs of your community are available to help design and implement more effective, inclusive and accessible services.