Drug - Epaned (enalapril maleate powder for oral solution) [Silvergate Pharmaceuticals, Inc]
December 2015
Therapeutic area - Hypertension
Approval criteria patient through age 2
- Patient has not reached their 3rd birthday AND
- Patient has a diagnosis of hypertension
Approval criteria patient age 3 or older
- Patient is 3 years of age or older AND
- Patient has a diagnosis of hypertension AND
- Patient cannot swallow a tablet whole and is not taking any other tablet whole by mouth OR
- Patient experiences an acute situation of extreme anxiety or other acute disorder that prohibits the patient from swallowing a whole tablet OR
- Patient has a history of non-compliance or “cheeking” medications OR
- Prescriber provides another reason why the patient cannot take the dose of the medication by an oral tablet or other means, depending on primary route of administration
MHCP Provider Call Center 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411