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Vocational and Life Enrichment Services

Our vocational and life enrichment services help people prepare for, find and keep employment and participate meaningfully in their communities. Our services are designed to support people whose needs exceed the level available from a private service provider in their local area. The degree of services provided requires significant review of the person's individual needs. Services are listed below.

Customized Employment

We use a customized employment approach to help identify a person's naturally occurring strengths, skills and abilities. In this approach, the support team and the person:

  • Gather information about the person to create a portrait of who they currently are in environments where they are already successful.
  • Use these details to find common themes.
  • Use these themes to develop opportunities for the person to interact with the community.
  • Success is measured by enhancement of the person's quality of life. This can be a direct-hire position, volunteer service, internship or activities in the community where the person can benefit in a recognized social role. Customized employment is a useful tool that can be used with all people, including those with the most complex behavioral needs.

DT&H, Prevocational and Structured Day Services

We are a licensed provider for day training and habilitation (DT&H), prevocational services and structured day services throughout the state. These services help people develop skills to achieve greater independence, productivity and community inclusion. Vocational and life enrichment services help people find and retain paid employment in community businesses where people without disabilities are employed.

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

We contract with the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED)  to provide employment development and placement services for people referred to our programs through DEED's VRS program. Services include:

  • Assessments
  • Employment retention
  • Internships
  • Job coaching
  • Job development
  • Job shadowing
  • Job trials
  • Work adjustment training

List of Service Providers

All providers offer the same suite of services. Click the toggles below for contact information.  

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Updated: 2018-02-16

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