Medication Therapy Management
December 2013
A single medication therapy management follow-up encounter may be authorized if:
- Recipient has been diagnosed with a new chronic condition since the last encounter that requires treatment with 2 or more new medications OR
- Recipient’s current condition(s) has changed or worsened requiring a change or addition of 3 or more medications AND
- Patient has eight or more paid encounters in the last 365 days
- Patient has communicated to the pharmacist significant problems with the new drug regimen and intervention is necessary to prevent possible hospitalization or emergency room visit
- Patient has a history of medication compliance
- Patient's past MTM encounters have resulted in documented positive outcomes
Pharmacy unit must receive (Fax # 651-431-7426)
- Patient MHCP ID number
- Patient’s new diagnosis or description of the changes in the patient’s condition(s)
- List of new medications since last encounter
- List of changed medications since last encounter
- List of new problems presented by the new drug regimen
- Expected outcomes of encounter
- Documentation of all encounters in last 365 days
- Date of next MTM encounter
- Treating pharmacist name and provider number
- Clinic or pharmacy “pay to” provider number
- Treating pharmacist phone number
MHCP Provider Call Center 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411