Drug - Livmarli™ (marlixibat) [Mirum Pharmaceuticals Inc.]
April 2022
Therapeutic area - Bile Salts
Initial approval criteria
- Patient is ≥ 1 year of age AND
- Patient is diagnosed with Alagille syndrome AND
- Patient has evidence of cholestasis, as evidenced by ≥ 1 of the following:
- Serum bile acid > 3 times upper limit of normal (ULN) for age OR
- Conjugated bilirubin > 1 mg/dL OR
- Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) > 3 times ULN for age OR
- Fat soluble vitamin deficiency not otherwise explained OR
- Intractable pruritus only explained by liver disease AND
- Patient experiences persistent moderate to severe pruritus AND
- Patient does NOT have any of the following:
- Chronic diarrhea requiring ongoing intravenous fluid or nutritional intervention AND
- Prior hepatic decompensation event AND
- Significant portal hypertension AND
- Decompensated cirrhosis AND
- Another concomitant liver disease AND
- Maralixibat is prescribed by or in consultation with a specialist (e.g., gastroenterologist, hepatologist, dermatologist) AND
- Patient has failed an adequate trial, or is intolerant to, or has a contraindication to at least 2 conventional treatment for the symptomatic relief of pruritis (e.g., ursodeoxycholic acid [ursodiol], cholestyramine, rifampin, naloxone, naltrexone, antihistamine)
- Initial approval is for 6 months
Renewal criteria
- Patient must continue to meet the above criteria AND
- Patient has experienced a reduction in serum bile acids from baseline AND
- Patient must experience improvement in pruritus AND
- Patient has NOT experienced any treatment-restricting adverse effects (e.g., persistent diarrhea; persistent fat-soluble vitamin deficiency despite vitamin A, D, E, K supplementation; persistent or recurrent worsened liver function tests [alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total bilirubin (TB), direct bilirubin (DB)]) AND
- Patient has NOT developed decompensated cirrhosis AND
- Patient has NOT developed significant portal hypertension
- Renewal approval is for 12 months
Quantity limits
- 28.5 mg/3 mL per day
- Patient’s weight (in kg) must be submitted at time of request
- In order to minimize waste, reasonable efforts must be taken to ensure dosing follows weight guidelines presented in FDA-approved label
MHCP Provider Resource Center 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411