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Wraparound Overview (PDF)

Minnesota System of Care is working on an ambitious project to pilot high-quality, high-fidelity Wraparound using a system of care values-based approach. Wraparound is designed to help children and youth with serious mental illness who are served by multiple agencies. It is a process within a system of care broad framework that brings together family, friends, community, professionals, and cross-system supports resulting in a creation of a plan of care that best fits the family’s vision and story.

Wraparound is a proven practice in children’s mental health because it is:

  • Driven by youth and their families
  • Inclusive of the people who are important in their lives
  • Reflective of the youth and family’s culture
  • Brought together by systems and agencies
  • Led by a single care coordinator.

Minnesota’s high-quality, high-fidelity Wraparound will be implemented in five regions across the state. This will include intensive evaluation with national and state measures intended to study both qualitative and quantitative processes.

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