According to Minnesota Rules 9544.0110, Minnesota Statutes sections 245D and 245.8251, the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) must collect data about incidents of emergency use of manual restraint, positive support transition plans and the use of all restrictive interventions and alternative interventions. This includes the use of various forms of restraint, time-out procedures, seclusion and punitive consequences imposed by 245D licensed service providers on recipients of licensed programs and services.
Providers governed by Minnesota Rules 9544 must complete and submit the Behavior Intervention Reporting Form (DHS-5148) to report all occurrences of any procedure or incident defined in 9544.0110.
The Behavior Intervention Reporting Form process allows statewide incident reporting and collection of information and data on various forms of restraint, time-out methods, seclusion and punitive consequences used by providers. The purpose is to establish a baseline of information as DHS further develops policy and regulation. Some information will also be accessible to DHS Licensing and the Office of the Ombudsman for Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.
The new online form will also collect and track:
Providers are required to use only the online reporting form when reporting the use of controlled procedures and emergency use of manual restraint. Refer to the instructions document for more information when completing the form:
All providers governed by Minnesota Rules 9544 must complete and submit the Behavior Intervention Reporting Form within 15 working days of the intervention following these guidelines:
Providers must determine who or how many people in each licensed site or program they want to submit forms to DHS.
If you have any questions about reporting intervention incidents or ongoing changes to Rule 40, send an email to