MCOs and their subcontractors who submit on their behalf can test syntax for TPL data elements and MCO Paid Dates on all 837 claim types.
The testing is done via MN-ITS Test Region. SFTP is not an option for this.
Please see the attached 5010 Testing Companion Guide for instructions. You may submit as many test files as you need to get ACCEPTED 999 files and a successful 835E. The MCO should receive the 999 or TA1 response file within 24 hours of the submission.
Please email the EDQ mailbox just before you submit your test file. After a successful submission, you will receive an email back stating your file has passed syntax testing and you are ready to submit production files.
The test region runs a test warrant cycle roughly every Tuesday and Thursday. This cycle generates an 835E where you can view the results to see what remark codes would post on the test claims. The 835E appears in your test region mailbox generally a day or two AFTER you received a successful 999.
Questions about the remark codes and the 835E can be emailed to the EDQ mailbox at DHS.EDQUNIT@STATE.MN.US.
If you have any questions or issues related to your file submission, please contact the Minnesota Health Care Programs Provider Help Desk at 651-431-2700 or 800-366-5411. Please indicate that you submitted a test file and have your test file name ready.
If you have any questions about the testing procedures, please email the EDQ mailbox at DHS.EDQUNIT@STATE.MN.US.