METS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
There are various METS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) instructions to access or use the Minnesota Department of Human Services systems
METS Email Multi-Factor Authentication Instructions
Log-In into METS using one-time access code
METS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Support Procedure
Utilize Minnesota Service Hub web-form to request METS MFA support from MNIT SSAM Team
Minnesota Eligibility Technology System (METS)
METS is the IT system that determines Minnesotans' eligibility for Medical Assistance, MinnesotaCare or tax credits to help pay for a private health insurance plan, among other things.
Oracle Mobile Authenticator FAQs
Learn more about the Oracle Mobile Authenticator (OMA) multi-factor authentication solution for METS.
Oracle Mobile Authenticator Installation Instructions
Registering the Oracle Mobile Authenticator on your computer