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Behavioral health care system seeks board members

7/22/2024 8:30:00 AM

Applications are open for people interested in serving on the executive board of Minnesota’s state-operated behavioral health care system.

Known as Direct Care and Treatment, or DCT, the system serves more than 12,000 patients and clients each year at psychiatric hospitals and other inpatient mental health facilities, substance-use disorder treatment facilities, special care dental clinics and group homes for people with disabilities.

Currently part of the Minnesota Department of Human Services, DCT will become a separate state agency on July 1, 2025. A nine-member executive board and a chief executive officer will oversee the new agency.

Governor Tim Walz will appoint six board members. The panel will also include the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Human Services and two non-voting members, one appointed by the Association of Minnesota Counties and one jointly appointed by labor unions representing DCT staff.

The Secretary of State’s Office is managing the application process. For more information about the open board seats and qualifications for each position, or to apply, visit the office’s Boards and Commissions webpage or

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