The Minnesota Judicial Branch, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and the Department of Human Services (DHS) have implemented new processes for guardians and conservators as a result of 2023 legislative changes. At the close of business on Oct. 31, 2023, DHS will not accept new requests for background studies for court ordered guardians and conservators. Any background study requests received by DHS after Oct. 31 will be returned to the sender.
Effective Nov. 1, 2023, prospective guardians and conservators must submit requests for criminal history checks directly to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). Fees for criminal history checks and fingerprinting services performed by the BCA must be paid directly to the BCA. The BCA provides the results of the criminal history checks for prospective guardians and conservators to the Minnesota Judicial Branch.
Effective Nov. 1, 2023, prospective guardians and conservators must submit requests for maltreatment and licensing agency checks to DHS. Maltreatment and licensing agency checks are valid for five years and include a review of Minnesota substantiated maltreatment records as well as a search of the required professional licensing agency databases. To request a maltreatment and state licensing agency check, the prospective guardian or conservator should review and complete Guardian-Conservator Maltreatment and Licensing Agency Checks (DHS-8450). Fees for maltreatment and licensing agency checks performed by DHS must be paid directly to DHS. Maltreatment and licensing agency check results are provided to the Minnesota Judicial Branch.