Minn. Stat. 116J.436
The Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) program is created to foster interagency coordination between the Departments of Transportation and Employment and Economic Development to finance infrastructure to create economic development opportunities, jobs, and improve all types of transportation systems statewide.
Funds appropriated for the program must be used to fund predesign, design, acquisition of land, construction, reconstruction, and infrastructure improvements that will promote economic development, increase employment, and improve transportation systems to accommodate private investment and job creation.
Money in the program shall not be used on trunk highway improvements, but can be used for needed infrastructure improvements and nontrunk highway improvements in coordination with trunk highway improvement projects undertaken by the Department of Transportation.
Eligible Applicants for the Transportation Economic Development Infrastructure (TEDI) Program are local units of government.
DEED provides funds as a grant.
September 22, 2023
TEDI - $1,962,400
DEED has other public infrastructure grant programs such as the Greater Minnesota Business Development Public Infrastructure (BDPI) program available through a separate application.
The Department of Transportation has additional funds available for trunk highway costs. Those funds and funding are coordinated with the TEDI program. The MnDOT Transportation Economic Development program (TED) funds are awarded through a separate application.
There are no funding limits for proposals requesting funds from the TEDI Program. However, program funding must find appropriate geographical balance between the metropolitan area and greater Minnesota.
There is no match requirement, however major components of scoring in the competitive process are the level of private investment and the leverage of nonstate funds. Applications with little or no leverage will likely be uncompetitive.
A local governmental unit's resolution certifying that the match being pledged in the application is in place is required. A sample resolution is attached.
The TEDI Program applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Please note, an application must receive a minimum of 50 points in order to be eligible for funding.
The most competitive applications are those that can demonstrate within their request the following:
When requesting payments, grantees can only request up to the percentage of funds that matches the percentage of TEDI funding in the project. Supporting documentation (including invoices and canceled checks) for all incurred costs (including the required match) must be included with each pay request in order for DEED to process payment. DEED will only reimburse for completed work that has been paid for by the grantee.
Projects should be completed within three (3) years of execution of the funding agreement, unless an extension is requested by the awarded community in writing and approved by DEED. If the project has not proceeded in a timely manner (i.e., within six (6) months of scheduled construction start date), DEED has the authority to cancel the award.
Please submit an electronic application to DEED, the approving authority.
The tentative schedule for selecting projects will be as follows:
An informational session was held via Microsoft Teams
DEED will provide each grantee with the necessary annual reporting documents. Reports must be provided to DEED upon request.
Eligible applicants must email their application to Jeremy.lacroix@state.mn.us . Application format should meet the following requirements:
Applications must be received by DEED by 4:00 pm on September 22, 2023. You will receive an email confirmation that you application was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, you should assume the application was not received.
Jeremy LaCroix
Patrick Armon
Eligible Applicants may apply for assistance from the TEDI Grant Program using the TEDI Application if they have an Eligible Project.
DEED Community Finance staff, with the assistance of MnDOT staff, shall analyze all applications and base their funding decision on the information provided within each application. There may be instances when staff will require additional information prior to making a funding decision. The DEED Commissioner will provide final approval.
Please do not submit Program Concept and Application Instructions with your application.
Please answer all questions. Failure to do so will affect application scoring.
If the proposal submitted is not eligible for DEED's funding, DEED may recommend alternative funding resources.