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Safety and Loss Control

Admin Risk Management's team includes safety and industrial hygiene professionals who can provide independent safety and industrial hygiene consultative resources to all state agencies. We help state agencies identify and correct workplace safety hazards -- both environmental and behavioral -- which place employees at risk for work related injury or illness. We strive to help each agency increase productivity, reduce expenses and lower taxpayer burden by creating a safer and healthier work environment for their employees. Check out our services using the links below.


What Safety and Loss Control services are available through Admin Risk Management?

Workplace Safety

Information regarding safety in the workplace, including numerous topics such as emergency planning, bloodborne pathogens, first aid, CPR, AED and more.


Guidelines, policies and other resources you can use to ensure employee work spaces are ergonomically sound. 

Industrial Hygiene

Guides, assessment tools and other information on indoor environmental quality, heat, noise, and other industrial hygiene issues.


Our Insurance page includes information on property loss control, fleet safety, and severe weather preparation and response.

Slip, Trip, Fall Prevention

Did you know? Slips, trips and falls are the second leading cause of workplace injuries to state employees. What can you do to identify the causes and prevent them from occurring?

Safety Training

Admin Risk Management has an extensive library of safety training videos and interactive training courses available to state agencies.


Minnesota Safety Accountability for Everyone (MnSAFE) is an ambitious statewide workplace safety initiative for employees of the State of Minnesota. We all have a role in preventing workplace injuries.

Safety Posters

Safety posters serve as a visual reminder of workplace safety hazards and act as an effective control measure.

Safety and Loss Control Conference

Admin Risk Management hosts the Safety and Loss Control Conference each year for state agency safety personnel. We hope to see you again this year.

Join Our Email List

Our Safety Contacts Email List consists of agency safety personnel responsible and is used to share important safety information across the state. Subscribe today using this link.

Contact Us

A full list of Safety and Loss Control contacts from Admin Risk Management can be found on the Contact Us page.

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