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Commissioner Training and Education

In 2015 the City of Stillwater, in conjunction with the Cities of Eden Prairie and Mankato, received a Heritage Partnership Program grant from the Minnesota Historical Society to retain professional services and develop a training curriculum for statewide distribution. The focus of the grant was to develop training materials that would satisfy the educational needs of Heritage Preservation Commissions across the State of Minnesota. The primary goal of this program is to introduce participants to basic preservation related principles and terminology through an online program and accompanying manual. In addition to group learning opportunities, individuals can take the online course as a stand-alone endeavor at any time throughout the year, making educational opportunities available on an ongoing basis and accessible to other stakeholders such as elected officials, Main Street managers, municipal attorneys, etc.

Utilize the links, below, to download the content for your use. Documents have been optimized for web browsing. Higher resolution program materials are available by contacting the City of Stillwater Community Development Department at 651-430-8820.

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